Developing a Strong Foundation for Early Learners
Home-Based ABA Therapy Services Supporting Children Ages 0-6 with Autism and Other Developmental Delays.

Maximizing Your Child’s Potential For Development & Learning
Rooted Therapy Center uses the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) approach to Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Our approach is designed to promote development in the areas of communication, social interaction, and play skills. Our team of qualified and experienced therapists are trained to implement individualized therapy to meet the unique needs of each child.
Get Started In 4 Easy Steps
Step 1
Contact Us
On our initial call, we will discuss your specific situation and explore your options for care.
Step 2
Meet with our team to discuss your child’s specific needs and goals. We also help you complete our intake packet. This helps us learn more about any relevant educational, medical, or other background information.
Step 3
This is where we directly observe and work with your child to gather a better understanding about him or her. During this process, we will pinpoint areas of strength and areas for growth.
Step 4
Begin Services
Once we have completed our assessment, we will create a plan to address concerns and schedule a date to begin services.

A Naturalistic Approach To Teaching Skills
Teaching occurs during natural play and everyday activities. The therapist builds a strong and positive relationship with the child and uses play to encourage interaction and communication. Young children learn through play. The majority of our interventions are embedded into play routines called Joint Activity Routines. We teach multiple skills in one activity that the child chose or is motivated to engage in. Then we repeat this with various other toys or activities. This makes learning developmentally appropriate and fun!
Click the button below to see a short video of ESDM in action
Pillars of the
ESDM Approach
Child Engagement
The focus is on engaging the child in positive emotional experiences with another person (i.e. the therapist) to increase the value of social interactions and the child’s desire to engage in them.
Learning Through Play
Developmental skills are taught through play. We use joint activity routines (JARS) as the basis for learning. These routines involve objects and activities found in the child’s natural environment and are chosen by the child. Both the adult and child participate in the routine and build upon each other’s contributions.
Intensive Teaching
Teaching is embedded into every social exchange at the ideal frequency of one learning opportunity every 10-30 seconds.
Positive Behavior Approach
The focus is on replacing unwanted behaviors (e.g. aggressive, destructive,disruptive, repetitive behaviors) with more conventional, functional, and socially appropriate behaviors.
Family Involvement and Support
Parents will help formulate priorities for intervention as well as implement the teaching plan themselves. The BCBA will teach parents how to implement the strategies at home during natural daily activities (e.g. mealtime, bathing, bedtime, play). Family involvement creates more opportunities for learning for the child and consistent treatment.

“To Play Is To Learn”
– Madame Gazelle

Get Started
The first step in getting started with services is to have a consultation with our team. On our consultation we will discuss your specific goals, share more about our approach, and explore your care options.